I am known for my warmth, compassion and professional integrity.
It is French philosopher Albert Camus who said that an artist must move and touch the heart of others; and their best creative work is their way of being in the world. True to this existential stance, I metamorphosed my existential wounds into a creative process.
I started Gestalt psychotherapy in February 2018. Gestalt can be understood as ‘a “therapy” alleviating distress, or more adequately considered as a way of living well and being at ease in the world’ (Sally Denham-Vaughan). While in therapy, I explored the topics of separation and loss through the process of reading and the act of singing along to some of my favourite songs. I wrote a research paper about this which was published in the British Gestalt Journal in 2023. About that time, I also completed my therapy. On my penultimate session, I played the song January Hymn by The Decemberists to my therapist. Then we wrote for a little while with the lyrics of Colin Meloy still echoing in our heads. Now, when I listen to the song, I feel an immense sense of achievement and I am reminded of my therapist’s energetic presence and inspiring support.
My best creative work is enabling others to connect with what really matters to them and helping them unlock possibilities by accessing their intuition and articulating their embodied experience. My coaching work is often described as profound and fun.
‘The artist is the authentic producer of those objects which every civilization leaves behind as the quintessence and the lasting testimony of the spirit which animated it.’ (Hannah Arendt)
Writing and doodling
I might invite you to write or doodle during the session, usually for one or two minutes. Mindful that cognition and emotions are essentially tangled, writing/doodling can help you to uncover what lies beneath the surface of awareness. Once you start to untangle the knots through self-expression you can change perspective, venture beyond your past, initiate genuine dialogue, consider a wide range of possibilities and explore solutions, while keeping yourself present, available and hopeful.